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spring at 意味

"spring at"の例文


  • ~に飛びかかる
  • spring     1spring n. 春. 【動詞+】 The nightingale is already with us to herald the
  • in spring    《in (the) spring》春に(なると)
  • spring     1spring n. 春. 【動詞+】 The nightingale is already with us to herald the coming spring. 来たるべき春の先触れにナイチンゲールがすでに訪れている We passed the spring of that year in Paris. その年の春をパリで過ごした Birds rai
  • spring for    〈俗〉~の代金{だいきん}を払う
  • spring in    急に~になる
  • spring to    ~に向かって飛び付く
  • this spring    this spring 今春 こんしゅん
  • to spring    to spring 跳び上がる 飛び上がる とびあがる 跳ぶ 飛ぶ とぶ 弾む はずむ
  • with a spring    with a spring 蹶然と けつぜんと
  • (spring) eye    (spring) eye 目玉(めだま)[機械]〈96B0103:ばね用語〉
  • absent in the spring    {著作} : 春にして君を離れ◆英1944《著》アガサ?クリスティー(Agatha Christie)◆メアリ?ウェスマコット(Mary Westmacott)名義
  • acid spring    acid spring 酸性泉[地球]
  • action of a spring    スプリングの作用{さよう}
  • activated by a spring    《be ~》ばねによって動く
  • adjusting spring    調整ばね


  • motoise haru-no-taisai (grand festival of spring at the motoise-jingu shrine ) in april
  • the world's deepest hydrothermal spring at cenote zacaton in northern mexico .
  • uh , i'm shirota , started since spring at the keihin child counseling center .
    あっ この春 京浜児童相談所に 配属された 城田です。
  • the hot spring was recently found by boring , and it is a simple hot spring at 26 degree c .
  • special opening of the doors in spring at hokuen-do hall of kofuku-ji temple (from april 28 to may 7 )
    興福寺北円堂 春の特別開扉 (4月28日~5月7日)
  • it's just that my usual holiday bookings , they've cancelled , and i'm not gonna make it to next spring at this rate , so ...
    いつもの休暇シーズンの予約が キャンセルされちゃって このままだと来春までもちそうにないの
  • in addition , in the arikuji hot spring at kihoku town there is a legend that masakuni discovered the spring in accordance with an oracle of god and cured people ' s diseases and wounds .
  • yamanaka ya , kiku wa taoranu , yu no nioi (with chrysanthemum unplucked , breathes fragrance of a hot spring at yamanaka spa ): a haiku composed by basho matsuo in his anthology " oku no hosomichi ," in praise of the hot spring at the yamanaka onsen (spa ).
    山中や 菊はたおらぬ 湯の匂 奥の細道、山中温泉の湯を賞賛して
  • yamanaka ya , kiku wa taoranu , yu no nioi (with chrysanthemum unplucked , breathes fragrance of a hot spring at yamanaka spa ): a haiku composed by basho matsuo in his anthology " oku no hosomichi ," in praise of the hot spring at the yamanaka onsen (spa ).
    山中や 菊はたおらぬ 湯の匂 奥の細道、山中温泉の湯を賞賛して
  • (toka is the event to celebrate spring at court and so on , when the dancer of " otoko-toka " (male-toka ) danced stomping , he sang ' bansuraku ,' and when the dancer of " onna-toka " (female-toka ) danced , she sang ' senzuraku .' )
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