spring 1spring n. 春. 【動詞+】 The nightingale is already with us to herald the coming spring. 来たるべき春の先触れにナイチンゲールがすでに訪れている We passed the spring of that year in Paris. その年の春をパリで過ごした Birds rai
motoise haru-no-taisai (grand festival of spring at the motoise-jingu shrine ) in april 元伊勢春の大祭(4月)
the world's deepest hydrothermal spring at cenote zacaton in northern mexico . メキシコ北部のセノーテ・ザカトンの熱水泉です
uh , i'm shirota , started since spring at the keihin child counseling center . あっ この春 京浜児童相談所に 配属された 城田です。
the hot spring was recently found by boring , and it is a simple hot spring at 26 degree c . 温泉は最近ボーリングで掘り当てたもので、26℃の単純温泉。
special opening of the doors in spring at hokuen-do hall of kofuku-ji temple (from april 28 to may 7 ) 興福寺北円堂 春の特別開扉 (4月28日~5月7日)
it's just that my usual holiday bookings , they've cancelled , and i'm not gonna make it to next spring at this rate , so ... いつもの休暇シーズンの予約が キャンセルされちゃって このままだと来春までもちそうにないの
in addition , in the arikuji hot spring at kihoku town there is a legend that masakuni discovered the spring in accordance with an oracle of god and cured people ' s diseases and wounds . また、将国が神のお告げで発見し、病や傷を癒したとされる紀北町の有久寺温泉などが伝えられている。
yamanaka ya , kiku wa taoranu , yu no nioi (with chrysanthemum unplucked , breathes fragrance of a hot spring at yamanaka spa ): a haiku composed by basho matsuo in his anthology " oku no hosomichi ," in praise of the hot spring at the yamanaka onsen (spa ). 山中や 菊はたおらぬ 湯の匂 奥の細道、山中温泉の湯を賞賛して
yamanaka ya , kiku wa taoranu , yu no nioi (with chrysanthemum unplucked , breathes fragrance of a hot spring at yamanaka spa ): a haiku composed by basho matsuo in his anthology " oku no hosomichi ," in praise of the hot spring at the yamanaka onsen (spa ). 山中や 菊はたおらぬ 湯の匂 奥の細道、山中温泉の湯を賞賛して
(toka is the event to celebrate spring at court and so on , when the dancer of " otoko-toka " (male-toka ) danced stomping , he sang ' bansuraku ,' and when the dancer of " onna-toka " (female-toka ) danced , she sang ' senzuraku .' ) (踏歌は宮中などにおいて春を寿ぐ行事で、男踏歌の舞人が舞楽の「万春楽(ばんすらく)」を足を踏み鳴らすように舞う際には万春楽と囃し、女踏歌の時は千春楽(せんずらく)と囃した)